Chances are excellent that if you are here, you are the kind of person who wants to create the very best life possible for yourself, your family, and your business. There are many paths to success, but most of them involve developing a new skill or improving upon ones. Self-help books by Sid Chawla are an excellent tool on your path to bettering your life, be it in a personal or professional capacity. 

Sid writes some of the best self-help books available today because he knows the power of personal development and the potential we all have for change. These motivational books are part of Sid’s calling: helping people live extraordinary lives. With the knowledge inside Sid Chawla’s books and a passion for implementing change inside yourself, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.



Why are some people 10x—or even 100x—more creative and innovative than others?

What do they know that you don't?

In Spark Your Inner Genius, acclaimed personal development expert and neuroscience professional, Sid Chawla, shatters the myth that creativity is an exclusive trait of the gifted few. Sid's approach is simple yet profound: most people never realize their creative potential because they have yet to be shown how.

That's what Spark Your Inner Genius is all about—a step-by-step practical blueprint to access your creativity.




Have you ever envied those people who always seem to get their way? What's so special about them? Well, they have charisma. Charisma is a key that opens many doors in life, from jaw-dropping romantic opportunities to an epic career. And, fortunately, it's not a mystical gift that you have to be born with.

I break down charisma into easy-to-build skills, small but life-changing habits, and actionable life hacks that will improve your charisma INSTANTLY.

You’ll learn how to build a powerful physical presence, how to speak so that your voice is truly heard, and how to cultivate simple daily habits that will take your influence and your charm to the next level.



  • 4 Simple Habits That Help Me Win the Day

    Do you secretly know you’re meant for so much more, but can’t seem to tap into your TRUE potential? If so, don’t wait 5 more years to figure out what to do with your life.

  • Defeat the 4 Types of Procrastination

    Are you tired of the guilt, stress, and overwhelm that comes with procrastinating? Most people don’t know this, but there are actually 4 types of procrastinators! By knowing which type YOU are and what to do about it, you can easily hack laziness FOREVER.

  • 7 Steps for Effortless Charisma

    Aren’t you tired of hearing, “fake it ‘till you make it” or “just be yourself”? If so, unlock the EXACT proven template to stand out, be noticed, and captivate people — in just 7 easy steps backed by science.

  • 5 Hacks I Used to Quit Alcohol for 90 Days

    Giving up alcohol for 90 days was one of the best ways that I've found to feel better — both mentally and physically. Here are 5 easy hacks that I used to stop!